Sunday, July 30, 2006

So It's Settled

Where to find me:
Aug 22-Dec 17: Beijing, and occaisonally other parts of China
Dec 18-Jan 2/3, '07: Hong Kong, unless I get to party with my cousins elsewhere
Jan 3- Feb 3, '07: Thailand, baby!! Teaching English in Koh Chang 4hrs a day, 5days/week. Then spending the other time elephant trekking, beaches (note the plural), scuba diving, national parks, and trekking over to Cambodia. Afterwards, eating, pampering myself, meeting new people. Totally psyched that I got my placement there, it's just the perfect plan after a million other ideas.
Feb 4-Feb 17th: I want to be in Malaysia, maybe Singapore?, then fly to Vietnam. Using the train to go into Hong Kong. I wanna hit Laos, but time!!!
Feb 18- Feb 20: Celebrating Chinese New Year!
Feb 21: Going back to Jersey, USA. How boring.
Feb 22- March 20?: Either going to Venezuela to visit Cristina or staying in NJ to get some spending money for Japan.
March 20- early Aug: Japan! (that is if life goes the way i planned).
Other places I want to fit in this year but probably can't: South Korea, Aussie, Kiwiland, Fiji, Indonesia.

So there you have it, my year in a nutshell. It's going to be another wacky year, hoping to meet lots of crazy weirdos (if you are one, that's a compliment), and learning about life.

ps. for not so exciting news, I got new glasses in Chinatown today. Pretty spiffy for $100 total incl ultra thin lens. Might get designer frames when I'm in Hong Kong just to add to my once a year vanity appearance.
And my oh so fav Dim Sum restaurant Grand Harmony on Mott St. is closing down for half a year for renovations after today. ;( They have the best chicken feet in Chinatown, and the ladies wheeling the food carts were so nice giving us extra food since it was the last day. I'll definitely go back there once I come back to the US. Hopefully those people will still be working.

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