Monday, July 31, 2006

The Bare Essentials In Life

I guess after overpacking coming home from Japan (a long nightmare-ish story I might add) and the fact I survived out of a rolly carry on suitcase for a whole month throughout Europe might do the trick. Packing and having to carry all the shit around from just 2-3hrs to 40+ days has an effect on a person. Trying to look suave while carrying more than you weigh can only lead to frustration. Throwing out unneccesary shit, bringing only a few pairs of jeans, watching what souvineers you buy all add up. Probably not every girl can pack like me, but I guess I'm not really girly either. LoL and the guys in the Belgium program actually had larger luggages than the girls when it came to pack for the 2week trip around the Balkans. I wonder what they had in there.

Thus, as my 4th time out there in the world (I count backpacking and belgium separate), I decided to bring even less. I have some feeling that after being in oh so cheap asia, I'll probably also need the space. And currently, I have filled up half of the rolly duffel bag, which was packed to the brim when I went to Europe. I haven't put in my school textbooks in, but I think that's about all I'll bring. I thrive on tank tops since I'm not a fan of t-shirts, so I guess I'll just have to buy some in China. :) That'll mean i'll have about another bag and carry on to bring back lovely designer knock offs. My Paradise.

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