Sunday, August 06, 2006

Beyond Bare Essentials...The Luxury

Okay, I guess I do like to spend. But when I'm in Beijing, I'm definitely going to take a good vacation. Haha yeah I know what you're thinking, studying abroad is a vacation in itself. Partially true, but I'm gonna live it up like a princess.

Starting with massages.

I can't wait till I get squeaky soft and clean on Tuesday- heading to the city to get a korean boy scrub and korean deep tissue massage at Spadium with coworkers. The Korean Body Scrub is basically an old Korean lady hovering over your naked body with special gloves and scrubbing you like a slab of meat, flipping you over on every side possible, and cleaning every since spot that has skin. Then they give you a cucumber facial before/after a full body massage. It's painful but it gets out the kinks, definitely not made for sensitive skinned Americans. Poke poke- owwww that hurts!! Manager's got a friend that used to work there, the entire day of relaxation is only $110. Which is about 2hrs of work on you, then personal time in the steam rooms. Gotta get clean before getting dirty again in Beijing!!

Maaan Koh Chang will even be better!!!

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