Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Meeting You and Me

Just copying and pasting some past reflections down taken from a personal 3rd person piece. Smile and do a good deed today. :)

Paths often cross between two people for a reason.

At this intersection, they have a choice whether to stop and greet each other, and to open themselves up to a potential friend. It only takes that split second to decide whether or not to extend that connection, five minutes to learn about someone, another ten to be friends with them, and perhaps a lifetime to forget. That initial connection is like plugging something into an outlet and a small spark appears. We cannot turn back time but continue to do our best to make up for the time that was lost and enjoy the rest of life without sadness. Life was about karma, keeping a perfect balance between the good and bad. When the time comes, we all separate back onto our own paths and walk alone. It is a pity for sure. Life is about meetings and separations; if there was another chance meeting that was forged by fate, destiny would take its role. There’s only an extent of decision making that is controlled by our two hands, however she still did not believe there was a god that weaved all these meetings.

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