Friday, August 18, 2006

3 1/2 days left- Omlets and hotdogs

Being as lazy as I am, I have finally gotten around to cleaning up my room. I've been tossing out old clothes into the suitecase the past 2 months, and it is extremely full by now. Weirdly enough, I have about the same amount of clothes as I do old paperwork. I'm still debating whether or not I should tell my brother about my storage of unorganized high school papers (now mixed in with my college papers), or to let him learn in high school the traditional way. He's stupid enough, so I guess letting him use his brain once in a while might do him some good. Then again, without my help his gpa might as well end up in the negatives.

During the past few days, I have relearned the joys of American meals. Har har yes, American meals. I wondered what type of meals I probably won't have in Asia, and felt that I should stock up on them now before leaving. Thus to my conclusion: omlets and hotdogs. Haha yes, that's what I came up with. So the last 2 days, I had an omlet for brunch, then a few hours later a hotdog. I also wanted some chocolate chip cookies, but I have a chinese household oven, aka it's stuffed with pots and pans to the point it would be a hassle to take everything out just for a dozen cookies. Since I'm working for 2 1/2 shifts, that only leaves me Monday to perhaps go over to my best friend's house to make some prepackaged cookie dough.

One weird thing lately is that I've been having camera dreams. Okay, I'm a little paranoid about my camera, but it's because it was taken out of my backpack while riding the metro in Barcelona. So I have that right of paranoia and babying my new Panasonic Lumix FX-01. So my first dream was that I was all the way in Beijing when I realized I forgot my camera back in the States, and went wtf when I had 2 digital cameras and still forgot both of them. Then last night I had this dream where I was with some people taking pictures, and we happened to see some extremely vivid Indian or African/animal ceremony with this amazing beautiful blue color, like it was a movie. I used my movie mode on my camera and started getting pissed since the panasonic doesn't allow the zoom during movie mode. Despite that, I was quite proud my camera took clearer pictures than any other camera my friends/classmates had. Okay enough about cameras, I guess I'm a little anal when it comes to my toys. Well, since I have 1 1/2 hrs before getting ready for work, might as well finish reorganizing my room (or that's a codename for i'm going to take a nap).

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