Sunday, August 13, 2006


I try not to think about the sacrifices I've made to get my way. Sounds a little selfish, but I prefer to call it ambitious. But after spending 4 days in DC just to run errands and see (what's left of my) friends, I realized how much more I've missed them. Maybe they'll never know because I always flock off and do my own stuff. But I just wanted to put it out there I miss them tons already, despite the fact I was just in DC 8 hours ago. That's what 6hrs on a bus and train can do to ya. Think. A Lot. Though it seems like this post ended up talking more about what's to be said below, I sincerely want to say I am very happy I have the friends I do have, and the ones that stick to being my friend even after not seeing each other for long periods of time.

After that, I went to eat korean bbq with my managers and coworkers. It's sad to say I drank more than I could handle, and cannot remember parts of my 3hr dinner and drive back. I do remember confessing my love for the series the L Word to my lesbian coworker despite me not being a lesbian. It's hard to share this tv show interest being that only my gay friend and I watch it. And the entire lesbian community which I don't belong to. Man, I want to find straight people who watch the L Word. She probably doesn't think much about it all, but for me I hope she doesn't think I'm some closet basket case. Now if I do some reverse psychology on myself, it makes it sound like I am, and trying to defend my stance a little too much. Honestly, I wouldn't mind being a lesbian, except the big fact that I can't stand being around girls and practically hang out with mainly guys. Okay, I guess that was too much info for random readers. Oh yes, back to the korean bbq main point. From now on I decided I'll only have 3 drinks a night. I don't want to act stupid anymore, and getting drunk was never the reason why I started drinking. So let's go back to the taste of alcohol. Oh and the fact that it felt like i kissed someone. Definitely i don't remember if I did, but I truly hope the current feeling on my lips were from my pillows. bleh. And to tie this back up to the first paragraph, I also want to say for the sake of my friends, I am also cutting down on drinking for that reason. Who would want to have that responsibilty of taking care of a stupid friend anyways?? True friends do and say it's no problem, but at the same time it's about time I stop popping those brain cells.

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