Monday, August 21, 2006

Leaving in less than 24hrs.

Though one of my best friends, Patrick, asked me if I was excited, I said yes, honestly my mood swings are up and about like crazy, and the only thing left for me to think is about how Bush sucks. Reading the news sucks, especially about how Bush claims the Iraq war dampened the nation's psyche. Uhhhh now you figured it out you dumbA??! Then there's that lil bunch of anti-abortionist whiners who don't want to approve the over the counter contraceptive pill. As a pro-choice and female, I believe that overpopulation is not the answer. Hoenstly there are people who have accidents, and thus get pregnant. These stupid people should be allowed to easily obtain the pill without a doctor's note. I mean, kids are a real waste of time and money and one of those little accidents might really kill their already bad financial situation. I swear, those anti-Biatches must be real pious absorbing all the church's lies, rich and bored, or just stupid enough to not consider other people's ideas. Okay enough about religion and politics. This was supposed to be a blog about China and travelling.

Honestly, the one thing I hate about packing is the cleaning that comes with it. And I guess I haven't done much of that. But enough procrastinating...I'll be leaving in about another 12 hrs. I guess time isn't on my side now.

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