Monday, May 28, 2007

Job Searching In Beijing

After all the initial frustration, I think I'm getting the hang of this job searching ordeal. I'm hoping it comes to an end soon, and ideally, I would like to work as a full time editor at BDA, and work nights and early mornings teaching English to the Makro employees. If that happens, then I will know my money troubles will be gone. I am hoping to dear life that things work out. I know it will despite all my frustration, I know it in my gut feelings it will.

Since I had 3 interviews, all in opposite ends of Beijing, I have learned more about the city, as well as improved my interviewing skills. It was definitely better than the one I had at the end of last semester when the lady asked me what my skills were ("uhm.. skills?....I'm international...but that really isn't a skilll....." errhhh yeah that's how it went). Being in Beijing really has taught me a lot of things, despite the rough spots I'm trying to endure.

Along with my happy thoughts, I got a facial and massage for free on Sunday. It was amazing, totally legit as first timers go for free, and the prices are so well priced that it would be ridiculous to never go anywhere but there for the quality and price. :) So I'm feeling prettier haha (do sing~ I'm so pretty oh so pretty).

~ Girl in Beijing...Stephanie

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