Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Two Things: I'm not sure if lately I've been thinking life is a joke or people are too gullible, but apparently people believe every word others write online...especially facebook. I can only imagine its future leading quite similarly to myspace.

Second thing: As I plan this trip for the summer, I am already contemplating whether or not to be in Thailand or Argentina for the winter. Both sound quite enticing, especially the cheap massages or delectable steaks...Am I never satisified with my trips?? all my friends do literally wonder where I am in the world. Unfortunately, there is not enough of me to go around. It would be amazing to visit Thailand and Malaysia for 2 weeks each or something. Yeah and people do usually wonder where I come up with all this money to afford all these trips...I'll have a price to pay in the long run (aka after graduating from grad school). But before then, I'm going to make the most out of it all.

This summer will be amazing. I don't know how amazing, but truly amazing. I have a lot of things to do before then, so after my nap, I'll get a good portion of it done I hope. Now to imagine, if I got that Rangel Fellowship, though I would've gotten my grad school paid for, I would've spent this summer in DC. As much as I want to be a diplomat, I'm not ready yet.