Friday, January 05, 2007

In search of a heart

So I decided I'd donate some money to an organization that helps support kids-aka adopt a kid in a 3rd world country. Well, people may ask why I'm doing this especially since I don't like kids, believe in overpopulation, and barely give a farthing to beggars on the street. Heck, I also don't even have any income such that it would actually just add into my debts.

I'll have to say this was first inspired by a conversation with dear friend Machada, then again reinforced by grandma visiting from HK, and my conscience to give back to society in some way (that does not require me to end up in a premed major, and volunteer in doctors without borders- with my skills, people will flee a country). Thereby I decided to look up organizations to give my cents to a worthy cause.

Well, dear Google, #2 on the search ends up with:

In critique of the article, it's frankly quite sad how a raging mom rants about having her tubes tied, the fact donating to 3rd World Organizations will only add onto more kids and overpopulation. Not that the reply was any better put. I've come to a conclusion things do happen for a reason, and the fact this insanely white woman reminds me once again of the Burger King episode a backpacker in Berlin witnessed (she kept on repeating her order louder and louder and finally got frustrated and said "Don't you people speak AMERICAN?!"), was just another notice of rich people without a brain. Maybe she hasn't been out of the country recently, or like ever. Oh yes, please do go hit up Mexico for the pina coladas and cheap goods though.

Perhaps she's a lawyer, or secretary, or some decent job, and she does have a vague concept that life does not surround the US of A, but she doesn't understand that there are people who just can't find that job, can't make that daily bread, can't stop reproducing because they think extra kids would equal more helping hands on the fields. Yes there are actually parts of the States where it's actually poorer than 3rd world countries. We'd like to neglect them so that we don't notice how disgustingly "dirty" our own turf is. And please don't blame other races, ethnicities, whatever there is to be labelled. Our world is far from perfect, yet we love to correct others that are for "the best interests of the country".

Okay I'm not a fan to beggars since I honestly think there are better ways to go on their lives and get something productive done without being on the streets. A classmate tried donating some coins to a violin playing beggar boy on the streets of Croatia when some stranger kicked the can over; she tried helping him pick up the coins to then which she was thrown dirt at. People, no matter how crappy your day has been, I cannot imagine why someone would throw dirt on some other random stranger just trying to be nice.

Heck, then again I've heard a few classmates on my Beijing program say "wouldn't the world be better if I killed off all these beggar kids?" while on our quite pricey study trip #1 (of the Hanging Temples of Taiyuan)- those kids at least work hard collecting empty water bottles whereas they spend most of their money getting insanely drunk and acting stupid every weekend. Yes I'm sure their money could definitely be put to better use rather than to forget their pitiful lives their rich mommy and daddies have trustfunded them with.

Despite not a fan of beggars, I am in full support of children attaining education, having the opportunity to grow up and be given that small chance of sucess at life, which does not require making a living having their moms kick them out on the streets at night so that they beg for money from drunk foreigners. Seen it all over Europe, plenty of Romas (aka Gypies by their informal, better known name), China in abundance.

Yes, there are many who cheat this system of humanity and compassion. It's sad to say 99% of what I saw in China felt that way-their main desire is to make lots of money. That's why I want to find a legit one out there I can donate to while I'm in school and then help out in one of those third world countries doing good for a bit before trying to help the world itself. My family is far from rich, but according to my grandma- it's definitely plenty more than what she had as a child- and I'm honestly grateful for the life and support my parents have given me. Unfortunately, there are plenty other parents who are better off but won't give a hoot to their kids, or want to support their kids in dreams and aspirations but just can't even afford the next meal. Hello, I'm Stephanie, and I'm trying to be one big band-aid for society.

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