Sunday, May 06, 2007

Being 21

I get to spend another 362 days of being 21. What have I learned so far in the past 4 days?

1) One of my friends think my life is a sitcom as the craziest things happen to me.
2) Vodka really doesn't go down my system too well
3) The blackboard website decided to mess me over with technology as my professor said she did not receive my final.
4) It's okay to admire strong people since that's the only way you can become stronger. That's what role models and mentors are for. :)
5) Just don't be too much in awe of them during the interview that you feel worthless.
6) Life is about laughter and having great people to share it with.
7) There are so many more people I wished I had the chance to meet and talk to, just the right moment never came up. Yet I am lucky to have became good friends to the ones I did.
8) You win some, you lose some. But in the end, life is short so live it up.
9) It's awkward receiving gifts, but people give them because it makes them happy.
10) It's great that I want to protect all my friends, but I'm no super girl.

What have I not learned?
1) What ever happened to my toe??!
2) Why is one side of my bum feeling bruised...
3) How the heck I'm going to JFK on May 15th...
4) How to keep in contact with all my friends as more of them graduate or leave the country...
5) Why I haven't kept in contact with more people from high school

It would be nice if my daily life had background music to it. But honestly, it's not that interesting, it's just plain random. :)

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