Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Impact of Media

So here's the link to the latest update on the virginia tech shooting. In the US, I'm just wondering if you're bored of hearing the same old stories yet. It's currently Thursday, and this happened on Monday. Yes, many lives were affected, 33+. Yes, this the biggest shooting so far in US history. Overall scheme of things, there are larger things in life to tackle. So why are they so keen on keeping this subject on fire?

I don't know. I was seriously saddened that it turned out that it was a Korean guy who was the murderer. I was teary when I heard how a Holocaust survivor professor died in the process of protecting his students. Now, he's a real hero, no doubt. But at the end of the day, when the news gets recycled and recreated into the same old things, I'm tired of hearing it. Hearing it on Monday was good. Then it was on again Tues, oh but with one or two more tidbits, trying to feed on the continuing interest. Then Weds, okay the vigil which I respect. It's Thursday, can we not get past this stage? Here, the media is trying to take advantage of this situation, milking the negativity and sadness for all it's worth, and dispelling it onto the nation. It became the next big thing between 9/11 and pet foods killing dogs. I'm sorry, perhaps there were some other big news since that time, but I was out of the country for a year. As much as I love this country and want to one day represent it and help change society for the overall good, now I see there is a good reason for me to stay out.

So I was on camera today since I happened to pass by. They asked me about the impact of the video the killer had sent. Honestly, I didn't know of the video, just the letters. But I was tired of all this, and basically said how it was a sad event (wow, people are going to notice I have a heart made of ice), asians are going to get even more stereotyped (ouch I guess I just hit the racial nerve- which is true), other countries probably wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it like we did (ouch, there goes diplomatic relations), and we should move on (eek, I guess I should be glad I live in an apt rather than a house so it can't be egged). Insensitive? Probably. The truth, I'm sure. It's sad the media cannot let the people grieve on their own, the families are probably embarassed, the community is already a wreck, and the media continues to feed on this intense negativity. How are they any more different than politicians?

Perhaps I've got some sensitivity issues to work out. I blurt out what I think, and sometimes the truth hurts. Actually my truth punches people in the stomach. I'm sure that's not what they need now. And it's all an attitude issue- I know that part is the hardest to change since I've been down in the slumps. But there's a good reason I don't watch tv, and I just got proof of it- to witness these newsreporters drooling to get the next big scoop.

Well, someone told me he'll see me on tv --as our parting goodbye. And since this time it's going to be aired in the US, I guess he can.

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